Friday, September 27, 2019

Los Angeles Times Field Trip

MC101 will tour the Los Angeles Times printing plant on Wednesday, Oct. 2. Both the 2 pm and 3:30 pm tours are full.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Here's the Pitch...

The following is a MediaNote Classic. It was originally presented to MC101 classes in January 2017.

Your Aunt Mabel is holding a Tupperware Party. Friends, neighbors and relatives will assemble in the living room, relax over a bit of food and drink, and hopefully buy some Tupperware. It's a sales job, but it is also from someone you know. So you go and you buy.

The online version of this is the "Influencer." Influencers may post about a way of life or a product, but they're trying to sell you something. And tech-savvy young adults are more likely than most to be Influencers. NPR reports.


•How do Influencers fit in with Paul Lazerfeld's 1940 People's Choice Study?

•According to the Indirect Effects Model, will the effects of an Influencer's message be predictable and uniform across the population seeing or hearing the message?

•Under the Transmission Model (SMCR), name the Sender, Message, Channel, and Receiver for the student Influencer in the story?

•In your estimation, are Influencers a passing fad, or are they here to stay? Why?

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Transfer Center Field Trip

A Mass Comm 101 group will tour the Glendale College Transfer Center (on the Third Floor of the new Sierra Vista Building) on Monday, Sept. 23 from 1-2 pm. Students will receive field trip credit for taking the tour and completing an assignment about the transfer process. This is a rare MC101 on-campus field trip. BOTH GROUPS ARE FULL.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Add Codes Must Die!

Add codes for this or any other Glendale College class expire on Saturday, Sept. 14. If you fail to activate your add code, you are out of the class.


MC101 Supplemental Instruction

We will have optional, extra-credit, student-led Supplemental Instruction sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays. Bring your textbook and notes.

Tu 12:30 - 1:30 PM AD 217 STEPHANIE IVY


Friday, September 06, 2019

Honors Contract

If you are a member of the Glendale College Honors Program, an Honors Contract is available for this course. Email your humble blogger at for details.


Thursday, September 05, 2019

GCC Food Pantry

The Glendale College Food Pantry is open to help economically-disadvantaged students:

The Verdugo Campus Food Pantry is located in SR 134 (First floor of San Rafael.)

More information can be found at
