Monday, May 11, 2020

The Psychology of Selling Cars

The following is a MediaNote Classic. The current version of this MediaNote was first shown to MC101 classes in Spring 2018.

Sut Jhally, a nationally-known expert on the psychological effects of advertising, has said that best ads do not try to sell the product on its merits. Instead, it creates a dream life around the product.

Several years ago, Your Humble Blogger saw the following ad during a Dodger telecast. How much of the ad discusses the merits of the vehicle, and how much of it is a constructed dream life?

More recently, another car ad caught Your Humble Blogger's eye.


•What does the ad say about the quality, performance, reliability, cost or resale value of the product?

•Describe the dream life created around the product?

•What role do the visuals play in creating this dream life?

•What role does the music play in creating this dream life?

•Who is the target customer of the product?

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Blogger Dena Darvish Derakhshan said...

Hi Professor, thanks for the great lecture on advertising! This is one of my favorite commercial ads. If you notice it has nothing to do with beer. They do this every holiday season and it basically says, "Hey, we're Budweiser. Remember us."

12:59 PM  

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