Monday, December 09, 2013

Final Exam SI

Final Exam SI will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 1:30 in SR115. The room is small and seating is limited, so get there early if you can. Pizza will be served.
Final Exams at Glendale College are held his semester Dec. 11-18. You can determine the day and time of all your finals by following this link.

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Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Bridging the Digital Divide

The haves in this world use desktop, laptop and tablet computers, smartphones, and who knows what else. The have-nots use paper.

But that may be changing as eBook readers turnout to be surprisingly adaptable to the developing world. NPR reports.


•Generally speaking, what advantages do eBooks have over paper books?

•When should schools upgrade to eBooks?

•How much reading do you do on your phone?

•What kinds of eBooks should aid organizations make available to poor countries?

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Monday, December 02, 2013

Papers, Quizzes, Notes To Be Returned on Wednesday and Thursday

Be in class later this week as your research papers, quizzes and Getty Center notes* will be passed back. MW classes will get them at the end of class on Wednesday. TTh classes will get them at the end of class on Thursday.

*Please note that the Getty notes will go back to the first name listed on the field trip form.

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First Person Learner

If Mavis Beacon can teach typing through a video game, can the Sierra Club teach us about global warming? Can the GOP teach us the joys of unfettered capitalism? Can Kaiser-Permanente teach us about the long-term value of eating right and getting significant exercise? There are some experts who believe we are entering the era of the advocacy game. NPR reports.


•Can video games teach us things? What kinds of things?

•Tell me about how games put the player into the role of a character. How does the player see the world through the game character's eyes?

•Can video games get you to think about political, social or personal issues? What kinds of issues?

•What organizations and groups try to persuade people about things? Could this become a game?

•Are instructional games the successor to the instructional video? What sorts of things could be taught that way?

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