Los Angeles Times Field Trip
MC101 will tour the Los Angeles Times printing plant on Wednesday, Oct. 2. Both the 2 pm and 3:30 pm tours are full.
Labels: field trip
MC101 will tour the Los Angeles Times printing plant on Wednesday, Oct. 2. Both the 2 pm and 3:30 pm tours are full.
Labels: field trip
The following is a MediaNote Classic. It was originally presented to MC101 classes in January 2017.
Labels: advertising, audience segmentation, career, commtheory, disintermediation, internet, medianoteclassic, SLO2, socialnetworking
A Mass Comm 101 group will tour the Glendale College Transfer Center (on the Third Floor of the new Sierra Vista Building) on Monday, Sept. 23 from 1-2 pm. Students will receive field trip credit for taking the tour and completing an assignment about the transfer process. This is a rare MC101 on-campus field trip. BOTH GROUPS ARE FULL.
Labels: field trip, transfer
Add codes for this or any other Glendale College class expire on Saturday, Sept. 14. If you fail to activate your add code, you are out of the class.
Labels: addcodes
We will have optional, extra-credit, student-led Supplemental Instruction sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays. Bring your textbook and notes.
Labels: supplemental instruction
If you are a member of the Glendale College Honors Program, an Honors Contract is available for this course. Email your humble blogger at meberts@glendale.edu for details.
Labels: honors
The Glendale College Food Pantry is open to help economically-disadvantaged students:
Labels: food for thought