Saturday, April 30, 2016

Wikipedia: The World's Brain?

Wikipedia has become a go-to information resource for nearly everyone. Nevertheless, most of us (Your Humble Blogger included) remain a little uneasy about its accuracy. But have we considered the various viewpoints that its large number of contributors bring to Wikipedia? NPR reports.


•How often do you use Wikipedia?

•How is Wikipedia an example of the "Democratization of Information"?

•Does it matter that 85 percent of Wikipedia contributors are men? How does that affect content?

•What are some examples of information that requires more expert information than Wikipedia is equipped to provide?

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Monday, April 25, 2016

Click the Vote

The following is presented to MW students only in Spring 2016.

President Obama was elected President in 2008 in part due to a "Rock the Vote" television campaign that persuaded a large number of young people to vote. In 2016, social media-based campaigns may have a significant impact on the political landscape. NPR reports.


•When have you found yourself a target for online ads? What sort of things were advertised at you?

•Why is social media-based political advertising better than TV advertising?

•Is social media-based advertising better for mainstream candidates or for extreme candidates?

•Does this type of campaigning and fundraising empower the 1% or does it undercut their influence? Why?

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Reinventing the Multiplex

The following is a MediaNote Classic. It was originally presented to MC101 classes in October 2014.

A great year for attendance at movie theaters is one where it doesn't go down. Movie theaters are having increasing difficulties hanging on to their audiences. Some believe there are technologies that can be placed in movie theaters that will help sell tickets. NPR reports.


•Have movie theaters "jumped the shark"? Will people still be going to movie theaters in 20 years?

•Will you pay more to see a movie in 3d? Why? How about 4D?

•Will you pay more to go to a premium theater like Arclight? What services would you pay more to have?

•How might 4D change the way movies are shot? (In 3D, there always seem to be scenes where someone is pointing a spear at the hero, or something like that.)

•What types of non-movie events should be shown in theaters?

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Monday, April 04, 2016

Will They Call It SmartRadio?

Your Humble Blogger is one of a dying breed who still owns a handheld radio... but he is using it less and less. It turns out, he may have an FM radio on him at all times without knowing it. NPR reports.


•What is "device convergence"? How does it apply here?

•Is radio a dying mass medium? Why or why not?

•What are the practical uses for local broadcast radio?

•How much would you pay to turn on the FM radio in your phone?

•Would you listen to more radio if the chip in your phone was turned on?

•Should government order phone makers to turn on their FM radio chips, or should the free market decide? Why?

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