Thursday, August 06, 2020

Los Angeles Times Struggles with Racial Equity

The Los Angeles Times newsroom is undergoing what one senior reporter calls an "internal uprising" over racial equity issues. Editor Norman Pearlstine admits progress needs to be made. NPR reports.


•According to the story, how diverse is the Times' newsroom?
•How does the lack of diversity effect the Times' news coverage?
•What has the editor promised to do in response to this situation?

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Operation Infektion

The U.S. certainly has its differences based on gender, race, political preferences and other matters. But is the growing level of anger natural, or is it being encouraged by an outside force? According to some researchers, our internal divisions are being intensified by Russian disinformation experts, and have been doing so since the days of the Soviet Union. PBS News Hour reports.


•Why would the Soviet Union and later Russia want to create division, distrust and confusion in the United States?
•What are some of the hoaxes created by the Soviet Union and later Russia? How did they create these hoaxes?
•What makes the U.S. among the nations more vulnerable to this sort of manipulation?

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