Monday, April 23, 2018

USC Field Trip

The signup list for our tour of the University of Southern California and its Annenberg School for Communication is now closed. Those who signed up should meet at the Tommy Trojan statue at 3:30. We will finish around 5. If you want to bring a guest, put +1 next to your name.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hail to the Tweet

Would Donald Trump be President if Twitter didn't exist? It's an open question since it is certainly part of his success. As this NPR story suggests, maybe Mr. Trump is the first Twitter president.


•Why is Twitter an effective medium for Mr. Trump? How are Trump and Twitter a good match?

•Is Twitter an inherently brutal medium? Is it anti-intellectual? How?

•What types of communications is Twitter good at? What types is it not so good at?

•What is the role of TV news and newspapers if the president doesn't hold news conferences, but tweets instead?

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Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Virtual Fridays

Don't spend the weekend worrying about MC101. Email your end-of-the-week questions to Your Humble Blogger at He will answer them on Friday afternoons, most likely between 3 and 4 pm.
