Thursday, June 28, 2012

Are We All Caught in a Web?

Generally, the Internet is hailed as something that empowers the individual, weakens centralized authority, and provides a plethora of alternative viewpoints. But that rosy picture may not be entirely accurate, says Evgeny Morozov, an internet commentator who has become increasingly influential. The Internet also strengthens centralized authority, Morozov reasons, because it is efficient at rounding up information about individuals that can be used by national intelligence agencies and others. The Los Angeles Times reports.


•How is the Internet good for the individual?

•How is it good for centralized authority?

•What could an intelligence agency learn from us about the Internet?

•What can we do to prevent online abuses of authority?

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Are We All Reporters Now?

"Citizen Journalism" has become increasingly prevalent as the Internet has enhanced the communication capabilities of the individual while major media outlets have had to cut their budgets. But is citizen journalism competent journalism? NPR reports from Greece, where there are many citizen journalists.


•What is "Citizen Journalism"?

•Why is there more citizen journalism now than there used to be?

•What is good about citizen journalism? What is bad about it?

•What types of stories are citizen journalists good at? What stories are better reported by professionals?

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mean TV

Anti-bullying messages are fashionable in the mass media, and that's probably a positive trend. But does television--particularly reality television--send mixed messages? One NPR commentator thinks so.


•Has the public campaign against bullying done any good? Should it be ended? Changed?

•If reality TV glorifies bullies, what are some examples?

•Based upon reality TV, how should a boss act? Will this modeling affect the way real life bosses act?

•Why does reality TV glorify bullies?

•What is the difference between criticism and bullying?

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Do Cities Need Newspapers?

Greetings to all Summer 2012 Mass Comm 101 students! Welcome to ClubMedianote. Twice a week this summer, Your Humble Blogger will begin the class with a Medianote, a current event that pertains to developments in the media.

Now, on to the first Medianote of the summer...

Do cities need newspapers? That is the question being asked in New Orleans, where the city's daily newspaper, the 175-year-old Times-Picayune, may at least partially cease publication. NPR reports.

After a medianote is presented in class, there are always discussion questions, usually three or four. Here are today's discussion questions...

•Does it matter if New Orleans--or any city--has a daily newspaper? Do newspapers actually do any good?

•Does it matter if a city's daily newspaper is on paper? Is anyone harmed if it is online?

•What sort of stories could go uncovered without a daily newspaper?

•Are newspapers destined to die? What will take their place?

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