Monday, June 27, 2011

Should a Revolution Also Overthrow the Journalists?

2011 has been quite a year for Egypt. People took to the streets, the government was toppled, change is in the air. But it is all being reported on state-run television by the same old journalists who failed to challenge the old government. Can state run media be trusted? NPR reports.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Are Facebook Users Outing Themselves?

Young people are making themselves vulnerable to sexual predators and bullies by divulging too much information about themselves, the European Commission has concluded in a report. Some 12 of 14 social networking sites examined--including Facebook--do not do enough to protect children.

The Reuters story about the report is here.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

'Cars' Revving Up Profits

Getting Americans to go out to the theater to see a movie is increasingly difficult, so the studios turned to DVD sales as a major moneymaker. But has DVD sales have declined. the studios have turned toward the international market and, for some movies, merchandising.

'Cars,' the Pixar film of five years ago, was only a modest box office hit. But 'Cars 2' is coming out later this week, and it is expected to be quite profitable due to literally hundreds of products that will be licensed from characters in the movie. The Los Angeles Times reports.
