Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Transfer Center Trip

Your Humble Blogger received the following email from Dr. Kevin Meza, director of the Transfer Center... Hello GCC,

It’s that time again! I am pleased to announce that we have secured funding (thank you ASGCC) and will be going on the Northern California College Tours during spring break (April 13-15). The priority deadline to submit the application is March 10th at noon. We usually receive over 100 applications for about 50 spots on the bus, so turning in the application by the priority deadline is strongly encouraged. We will visit UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, and UC Santa Barbara. The trip will include admissions presentations, college tours, student panels (featuring former GCC students), and sightseeing in San Francisco.

The fee for students is $25, which includes transportation and housing. Students are responsible for their own meals. Students can either visit us in the Transfer Center (SR building, second floor) or download the application from our website:


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Los Angeles Times Tour, March 16

The Times requires that we limit the number of MC101 students on the newsroom tour. Follow this link to Doodle to get your name on the electronic signup sheet. If you are bringing a non-MC101 student with you on the tour, put +1 next to your name.


Monday, February 23, 2015

On Campus Screening-Discussion of "Selma"

The following event is being presented on campus by the Social Science Division. MC101 students can attend this event for field trip credit.

Dear Campus Community,

I would like to invite you to our screening of the Oscar Nominated Film, Selma. For more information about the film, see:

We will begin the program at 7pm on Thursday, February 26 in the GCC Auditorium. If time permits, the film will be followed by a Q&A with faculty from the Social Sciences Division.


Michael Dulay
Chair, Division of Social Sciences
Glendale Community College
1500 N. Verdugo Road
Glendale, CA 91208


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Book Loans

Your Humble Blogger received the following email about book loans...

Dear Colleagues,

The Student Affairs office is offering Emergency Student Book Loans for Spring 2015 to students who are currently enrolled at GCC. Since we have a limited budget for the Book Loans, we will only be providing this service until the budget finishes. If students need book loans and more information please direct them to my office in SC202.

Thanks for your assistance on spreading this information.

Aida Avanousian


Interested in the Student Newspaper?

Professor Sharyn Obsatz is looking for students willing to be on the Glendale College student newspaper. The following is from an email she sent to Your Humble Blogger...

If you are interested in joining El Vaquero student news staff, contact Professor Sharyn Obsatz at 951-236-9942 or

If you have a course scheduling conflict, you could still assist us with story reporting and shooting photos. Contact us or stop by the newsroom at SG 140.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Scholarship Opportunity

Your Humble Blogger occasionally hears about scholarship opportunities. Here's something that some Mass Comm 101 students might be interested in...

California Retired Teachers Association is offering two scholarships to GCC students. The criteria for the scholarship is:

·Must transfer to a 4-year college by September 2015
·Have an interest in becoming a teacher
·Minimum GPA 2.8

Please refer the qualified students to me at SC202. Deadline to submit CalRTA scholarship application is March 15, 2015.

Aida Avanousian
Ext. 5592


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Resources for AB540 Students

The following post will be of interest to some students.

Hello everyone

The Center for Student Involvement in SM 267 will be hosting a new Resource Center for AB 540 Dreamer students starting in February 2015 where students can get information about immigration assistance, financial aid and educational planning and success. They will be working with our Financial Aid Office staff Eunice Patron and Armineh Gourgian to present application workshops for the California Dream Act ( deadline March 2 ) in SF 107. Currently two dates scheduled: Wed 2/18 9:00 AM and Tues. 2/24 1:00PM. The AB 540/Dreamer Resource Center will serve students primarily on an appointment basis. Students needing assistance should e-mail to schedule a meeting for help.

Best wishes for success for Spring 2015 and beyond.
Greg Perkins
GCC AB 540 Support Committee


Keys to Student Success Workshops

Attendance at the following "Keys to College Success" workshops will be available for extra credit, two points per workshop.

This spring, the Learning Center is piloting a series of three Keys to College Success Workshops. These workshops are based on the growth mindset interventions developed by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck.

Dweck has spent her entire career studying motivation and why some people persist through setbacks and others do not. After years of research, she now believes that the foundation of motivation can be traced to people’s mindsets. Dweck has coined the term "growth mindset" to describe the viewpoint of people who see intelligence and all abilities as skills that can be developed through hard work, effort, and good strategies, and the "fixed mindset" to describe the viewpoint of people who believe intelligence and other abilities are fixed at birth and cannot be changed.

Not surprisingly, Dweck has found that people with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in facing challenges and setbacks, and people with a fixed mindset are more likely to give up when faced with difficulties. Dweck has also found, however, that mindsets are malleable and that teaching students to cultivate a growth mindset - in part by teaching them some basic principles of neuroscience such as that when we learn, we can "grow" our brains - dramatically improves their chances of facing and overcoming obstacles in their education.

Now, with funding from GCC's Basic Skills Committee, The Learning Center is able to offer students growth mindset interventions through the Keys to College Success Workshops.

The schedule for the workshops is as follows:

Wednesdays, 12:30 to 1:30 on March 4 (#1), March 11 (#2), and March 18 (#3)

Tuesdays, 12:30 to 1:30 on March 10 (#1), March 17 (#2), and March 24 (#3)

Thursdays, 5:30 to 6:30, March 19 (#1), March 26 (#2), and April 2 (#3)

While the workshops have been developed as a series of three, each workshop functions independently of the others, so students can benefit from attending any one or two or all three. In addition, students do not need to take the workshops in order and can take them in any combination of days and times that fits with their schedules.

Signups are through MyGCC at the following link:

Here are some of the comments made by GCC students who learned about how to develop a growth mindset last fall when asked about how the interventions affected them:

"I am more willing to ask for help and listen more and learn from people. I spend more time trying to understand things than before.”

"I know now that intelligence grows, so all I need is some practice and effort."

"I believe I have a growth mindset because I try to welcome challenges. If people are doing better than me, I make them my inspiration."

"I know now to just ask questions no matter how dumb the question sounds because at the end of the day, you are improving your knowledge by asking questions.”

“I am more willing to ask for help than ever before. I text people in my classes to create study groups and I ask tutors for help all the time.”

"I am more open about going to my professor’s office."


Elizabeth Bryer (English), Shant Shahoian (Learning Center), and Jan Young (Basic Skills Coordinator)
