Wednesday, February 22, 2017

F for Fake

The great (albeit flawed) filmmaker Orson Welles made a documentary about fraud and fakery entitled "F for Fake." Maybe Welles was ahead of his time, because today we have difficulty telling fake news from actual news. We will discuss the graphic posted above.

In response to concerns that it is a leading disseminator of fake news, Facebook has recently implemented modest changes in what you see on your news feed, how to report suspected fake news, and warnings before sharing items. CNET reports.


•Why does news have to be grounded in fact? Why not simply have news that is entertaining?

•Why do you think fake news is a bigger problem than it was 20 years ago?

•What are some news sources you trust? Are those news sources always accurate?

•Who is the source of the graphic posted above? What do you think of the source?

•What do you think of Facebook's changes to its news feed?

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