Monday, November 28, 2016

Survey Results

Your Humble Blogger received the following message regarding the research survey that more than 60 MC101s recently participated in.

Dear Participants,

Thank you for participating in the study Media Framing of Rape Cases & the Effects of Race Representation on News Credibility.

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the way race is portrayed in media framed cases covering rape and how race in these stories affect the credibility of the news source in the eyes of the public.

This study is important because it helps us better understand the effects of ethnicity on news framing and news perception. Theoretically, this research is an extension of Communication Studies theories such as Expectancy Violation Theory, Framing Theory, Social Judgment Theory and Information processing.

In this study, you were asked to read a news article in which images and text were framed positively or negatively for a white or African American perpetrator. In fact, none of these stories or characters was true. We have to use this procedure so that we can accurately test the proposed effects.

Finally, we guarantee you that all your responses provided in the study will not be disclosed to anyone else. If you have any questions about this study or if you would like to receive a copy of the results, you can email us at

Again, thank you for your participation in our research.

Melissa Flores, Paulina Lainez, Nancy Meza, and Jennifer Oliva
CSULA Communication Studies



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