Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Games for Grownups

Big-action games aren't for everybody. And not every game developer dreams of an even gorier Zombie Apocalypse.

The motion picture industry has its independent moviemakers, and the recording business has its independent music. So why not independent games?

As with indie music and movies, independent game makers aren't shooting for a huge mass audience. Rather, they are trying to say something with their games that goes beyond the often-superficial messages of mainstream media. The Los Angeles Times reports on this trend toward independent games.


•Is gaming a mass medium? Why or why not?

•Are young men naturally attracted to games, or is it really the violent content that they are attracted to?

•Which is a better storytelling medium--games or movies? Why?

•Which is a better teacher--games or movies? Why?

•Which is better at getting you to think about social and political issues? Why?

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