Wednesday, February 05, 2014

iStool Pigeon

Is your iPhone an iNformant? Do US, British and perhaps other spy agencies have basic data about you? Are corporations also collecting data about you, your preferences, your whereabouts, and your life?

Yes on all counts.

The New York Times and The Guardian of London recently reported on how the National Security Agency (among others) are using so-called "leaky apps" on your smart phone to collect data about you. Here is the New York Times article.

And just in case you were wondering what a "stool pigeon" is, it's clear that you didn't watch enough 1940s gangster movies. Here is the dictionary definition.


•Is this a big deal to you? Why or why not?

•What sort of things may you not want to do with your smart phone?

•Which do you fear more: Big Government, or Big Business? Why?

•Is Edward Snowden a hero, a traitor, or something else?

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