Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I'll Have an Album ... To Go!

The future of the recorded music industry looks pretty uncertain. Oh sure, people will continue to listen to music, but how consistently will they pay for it? What will be the format of that music, a digital download, a disk, or something else? And where will be buy that music?

Maybe at a coffee shop or through the purchase of greeting cards or a car. That's the conclusion of a National Public Radio story we listened to about Starbucks, Scion and Hallmark, among others, that are getting into the music business.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #64

***MEDIA SURVEY RESULTS, PART 6-Over the next several weeks, I'll be giving you the results of a mass media survey given to all MC101 students with their final exam during the spring semester. Here is how the spring MC101s answered the following survey question...

In 10 years, the recording industry
A. Will make most of its profits from CDs enhanced with extras. (6%)
B. Will make most of its profits from legal downloads. (42%)
C. Will make most of its profits from organizing tours and merchandising. (43%)
D. Will be mostly extinct. (9%)

On July 7, we spent a pleasant afternoon at Glendale's Alex Theater.


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