Monday, June 25, 2007

A Future for Newspapers?

Today's medianote seems appropriate given that we finished the chapter on the newspapaer industry today. Yes, they have been influential locally and nationally for 150 years, but do newspapers have much of a future? This Reuters story says, well, maybe.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #58

***MORE MEDIA SURVEY RESULTS-Over the next several weeks, I'll be giving you the results of a mass media survey given to all MC101 students with their final exam during the spring semester. Here is how the spring MC101s answered the following survey question...

In 10 years, newspapers?
A. Will mostly be on paper. (5%)
B. Will be split between paper and web versions. (43%)
C. Will mostly be on the web. (41%)
D. Will be mostly extinct. (11%)


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