Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Life in a Digital Fishbowl

On Thursday, July 5 and oh-so-stylish group of MC101s attended a field trip at the Getty Center.

Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and, of course, MySpace are giving regular folks (such as MC101 students) an unprecedented ability to put their photographs, videos and writing in front of a world full of strangers. This is still such a new phenomenon that we don't know yet how this will play out in the long run for individuals and the larger society.

However, we can make one pretty firm observation: privacy, as your grandparents knew it, is dead. And in some cases we are choosing to invade our own privacy, putting photographic evidence of our youthful excesses out there for all to see.

This medianote comes from a recent Yahoo! News story.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #63

***MEDIA SURVEY RESULTS, PART 5-Over the next several weeks, I'll be giving you the results of a mass media survey given to all MC101 students with their final exam during the spring semester. Here is how the spring MC101s answered the following survey question...

Is YouTube a passing fad?
A. Yes (26%)
B. No (74%)


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