Friday, June 22, 2007

Wii Pledge Our Allegiance...

Hey, you in the back row! Shut that book and get back to your Game Boy!

Today's medianote is about a new school in New York that will build its academic emphasis around video games. Is this brilliant way to get 21st Century middle-schoolers to come to school? Is it a bad joke?

We discussed the pros and cons of this inventive curriculum after listening to a National Public Radio story in which some academic experts discussed the unusual public school experiment.
Gabcast! Club MediaNote #57

At the end of the spring semester, all MC101s were invited to participate in the first-ever 'Back of the Scantron' media survey.

***MEDIA SURVEY RESULTS-Over the next several weeks, I'll be giving you the results of the mass media survey given to all MC101 students with their final exam during the spring semester. Here is how the spring MC101s answered the following survey question...

Will college textbooks be on paper in 10 years?
A. Yes. There will be little change. (4%)
B. There will be some paper textbooks and some digital textbooks. (46%)
C. Most students will have digital textbooks, but a few will be on paper. (23%)
D. Paper textbooks will be like vinyl records... a thing of the past. (4%)


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