Monday, May 07, 2007

A Spider Web of Hype

Along with millions of others, I spent nearly three hours of my weekend in a movie theater (in my case, L.A.'s retro-cool Vista Theater) watching the dazzling special effects in Spiderman 3.

But also dazzling was the advertising, publicity and merchandizing that surrounded the opening of this blockbuster. This National Public Radio story pegs the cost of hype for this movie at $150 million. If accurate, this is more than was spent on presidential campaigns not too many elections ago.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #42

***FIELD TRIP UPDATE This is the time of the semester where MC101 students begin to stress out over grades. Remember that you have two extra credit field trips, the Writing for Video Games seminar at the Museum of TV & Radio on Wednesday night and our visit to the Getty Center on Friday afternoon. See the flyer (available in class) for details.


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