Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wilfing Our Lives Away

After the violent and sad medianote that MC101 students have been talking about earlier this week, I thought it was time to present something that's a little more fun.

Enter "wilfing." Wilfing is short for "What Was I Looking For." It's the term for going onto the Internet looking for something very specific, but then having our attention wander until we find that a significant chunk of time has been spent on aimless web surfing.

And we still don't have the information that we went online to find. What was I looking for?

MWF classes only

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #38


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do this sometimes, but if I'm looking for something specific, I write it down on paper and then look for that item or event directly before going to the addiction they call MySpace. I didn't realize they had terminology for this action. I wonder if they'll come out with a pill to cure the habit of straying from the main objective. Wait a second, what was I looking for? Oh yeah...Club MediaNote, thanks to the brilliant computer masterminds for bookmarking specific pages.

10:48 PM  

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