Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Skype Me!

I couldn't help but notice you across the crowded Internet...

A A recent Los Angeles Times article discussed online dating via Skype, the Internet phone service that claims more than 100 million users worldwide.

Apparently the ability to see and hear your potential match makes Skype-based dating services quite popular. It's another prime example of the linkage function of media, which the Internet seems to excel at ... Ebay, MySpace and now Skype are all big-time examples of linking people to people or people to products. As an online dating tool, Skype is the opposite of eHarmony and similar services because Skype often brings together people who are radically different from one another.

The article also mentioned that any stigma attached to online dating appears to be fading. A recent survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project indicated that a majority of singles who are looking for a mate are looking online, at least in part. The survey also found that the majority of adult Internet users don't think that people involved in online dating are desperate.

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Blogger St. Bernard Church said...

Skype for me has become a very valualbe tool for communications. I have made several friends over it, some of who I talk to on a daily basis.

One bad thing I have found is that without a fast Internet connection, the call you make can become choppy and distorted. And sometimes even with a high-speed connection, like the one I have at home, it tends to cut in and out on occassion. Overall, however, I would give it a B.

8:22 PM  

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