Monday, October 16, 2006

YouTube Lookin' Good to MC101s

These MC101s were part of the group that turned out at the Museum of Television & Radio in Beverly Hills on Oct. 14. We attended a workshop entitled "Creating Careers in Television."

YouTube has become wildly popular among MC101 students. They use it to post videos about their cars, their bands, their pets, and anything else that comes to mind. Some also use it as a Tivo of last resort, fishing out and playing episiodes of TV shows that they have missed.

But is YouTube worth $1.65 billion? That's what Google paid for it recently. Some believe YouTube is worth every share (Google paid in company stock, not cash). Other investors believe that YouTube is essentially worthless because it is one big lawsuit away from disaster (think Napster).

The MC101s were not in a position to dispense financial advice, but they did note that YouTube is a significant part of their lives and that, in their estimation, it is not a passing fad. We listened to this National Public Radio story and then discussed the latest addition to the Google empire.

this is an audio post - click to play

***GABCAST TEST I'm trying out Gabcast as the new host for the audio portion of club MediaNote. My early impression is that it is easy to make an audio post over the phone, but getting the post to play on the blog has been a little difficult. Here is the link to Gabcast Episode #1


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