Friday, October 20, 2006

Bon Bon: Oh, Go Ride a Bike!

THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Get out and enjoy the outdoors on a bicycle. That may be a ride around the park, or something a little longer.

I'm up to my eyeballs in quizzes from my four MC101 classes and research papers from my political science class, while the weather is great outside. October usually brings wonderful weather to Southern California, except for the years that the Santa Ana winds encourage the hills to burst forth with brush fires.

Anyhow, I recommend that you get out and exert yourself before the weather turns cool and rainy (or smoky and firey). One of my favorite ways to get out and recreate is on a bicycle. And my favorite bicycling-through-the-great-outdoors web site is There are some absolutely amazing bike trips on a web site that is an excellent example of what the web does best: gathering together people who are deeply committed to something, but would have had no practical way to communicate with each other back in the pre-Internet Stone Age (Paper Age?).

And just to be an obnoxiously shameless self-promoter, I'll toss in a link to the bike trip that I did last summer. So it's official ... I'm a crazyguy!


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