Monday, June 26, 2006

Bon Bon: BloggerCon 2006

Today we have Quiz #1 in Mass Comm 101, so there is no medianote. On these medianoteless days, I post a bon bon, something that is fun and cool and has something to do with the course.

Today's bon bon is BloggerCon 2006. It is a conference of bloggers that met in San Francisco last Friday and Saturday to talk (and certainly write about) blogs. Mark Glaser has done an excellent job of writing up the highlights in his Mediashift blog. By the way, you didn't have to be there to take in the proceedings. The BloggerCon web site (linked above) has MP3s of all of the sessions.

I'm impressed that, besides drawing bloggers, BloggerCon drew representatives of mainstream journalism and academia. That bodes well for the future of blogging, although I'm not sure that the blog of 2011 will bear much resemblence to the blog of 2006.

***Tomorrow is a field trip day. We will visit the Los Angeles Times in the morning and the Los Angeles Central Library in the afternoon. So, no medianote tomorrow but I will post something about the day's festivities.


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