Monday, June 05, 2006

Political Campaigning as Close as Your Mailbox

These are just some of the political mailers that I've received leading up to the June 6 election.

With Election Day tomorrow, registered voters across California (including this intrepid blogger) have been bombarded, lambasted, and snowed under with political mailers. Early on I got the soft image-making mailers (handsome family photos and the like). Then the upbeat political issue mailers arrived (lots of adorable school kids). This was followed by endorsement mailers.

And now, in the final days of the campaign, the attack mailers have been hitting my mailbox big time. Among the taglines I've seen recently: "We just can't count on him," "City Hall for sale," "Voter Fraud Scam," "Which candidate took tobacco money?" "The worst immigrant-bashing campaign in California history," "Divisive anti-gay/lesbian campaign tactics," "Politicians who talk out of both sides of their mouths," "Teachers and parents can't trust him," "He doesn't vote for you." Probably the most prescient mailer I've received over the last several weeks is one entitled, "Watch Out! Here Comes the Mud."

And then there are always a few mailers that show up after the election. I wonder what happens to political consultants who let that happen?

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