Friday, June 02, 2006

This MediaNote Thrills Me Down to My Nikes

***UPDATE 6/4 @ 7:20 p.m.: WE'VE DONE THE BOWL
Our last MC101 field trip of the semester took us to the Hollywood Bowl, where some MC101s toured the Bowl's excellent museum.

Today's medianote is from a commentary on National Public Radio about the growing use of product placements in television shows. The commentator, John Ridley, is telling his fellow television writers not to whine about a loss of artistic integrity when product placements become more commonplace. I used the commentary as a jumping off point for a discussion about whether product placements are ethical.

***I'M LOOKING FORWARD to hanging with my students on the last Mass Comm 101 field trip of the semester tonight at the Hollywood Bowl. Garrison Keillor does a lot of funny stuff on his show. Listen for the Catsup Advisory Board ad. Or the skit where the hero is always an English Major.
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