Monday, June 19, 2006

Welcome Summer 2006 Students!

Opening Day in Mass Comm 101 was very positive: I saw lots of students asking good questions and doing other things associated with academic success.

Welcome to Club MediaNote. Beginning tomorrow and continuing almost every day thereafter, I will present something current and related to the mass media at the beginning of class. These are "medianotes." One day we may discuss whether a site like is a passing fad or an integral part of a not-too-distant future where it will be fairly normal for media consumers to also be content creators. And the next day we may discuss whether professors putting their lectures into MP3 format (for listening on an iPod or similar device) is the wave of the future or an invitation for rampant absenteeism, or both.

And I've got a cool roster of summer field trips set up for this summer. But don't stress out over getting to them: they are all optional and extra credit.

See you in class!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Folks,I had mass comm 101 with Dr Eberts at spring.I should tell you guys, that this class is GREAT!He presents a lot to learn,there are good field trips that I recommend to go to all of will get alot in field trips and moreover its fun and entertaining.attend and participate in his class discussions,read his club media notes and book and you would be OK.

9:59 PM  

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