Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blowing Bubbles by the Bay

Fortunes are made and lost in Southern California's entertainment businesses. But for truly huge fortunes being made (and lost) overnight, head north to the Silicon Valley. Around 15 years ago, internet startups that were losing huge amounts of money were paradoxically becoming absurdly valuable in the stock market. Then the tech bubble burst and the more dubious companies (like pets.com) went out of business, while the successful ones (like Amazon) took years to regain their values in the stock market.

Is another tech bubble being blown right now? The Los Angeles Times reports.


•Which do you think will have more users in three years, and why?
a. Snapchat
b. Instagram
c. Pinterest

•What other sites have you started using in the last year?

•What makes you stop using a website?

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