Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Britney's Big Send-Off

On Saturday, Jan. 19 a group of MC101s took the Broadway Theater Tour with the Los Angeles Conservancy. Eric is our tour guide.

When an elderly ex-President or doddering Nobel Peace Prize winner dies, the serious news media is always ready with a remarkably well done obituary summing up the person's life and accomplishments. That's because top newspapers, news magazines and others prepare obituaries of those sorts of people well ahead of time. But what about if you're young, famous and self-destructive?

It surns out that the Associated Press, the nation's biggest wire service, has decided that Britney Spears, 26, is close enough to her final curtain call to warrant a pre-prepared obituary. As this Associated Press story points out, it's difficult to figure out when a young celebrity is troubled enough to warrant a pre-prepared obit.

This medianote was particularly relevant following yesterday's death of film actor Heath Ledger.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #18


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