Friday, December 07, 2007

Magazine Editors Take It Slow, Glossy

Magazine editors and publishers are having a rough time transitioning to the Internet, says Jon Friedman, Media Web columnist for Marketwatch. Specifically, they continue to see the Internet as a threat rather than an opportunity. Among his recommendations for magazine publishers: let Internet professionals (not retooled print people) design the magazine website, and use the magazine website to add speed, depth, and multimedia resources to the print product.

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Gabcast! Club MediaNote #12


Blogger St. Bernard Church said...

"Retooled print people," I like that.

Usually print professionals dive head first into the online realm with absolutetly no concept of what drives an online medium to success. They are so used to the print medium, that all they see the Internet as is a forum to shovel print content onto.

3:46 PM  

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