Friday, October 26, 2007

Dumbledore, Uncloseted

Only now, after completing her monumental series of Harry Potter books, has Author J.K. Rowling divulged a revealing tidbit about the personal life of revered Headmaster Aldus Dumbledore. He is gay. And while there are no mentions of his sexual preference in the books, this new information made this humble blogger wonder: Will it cause some to shun the Potter tales and others to gravitate toward them? Will Dumbledore become a gay icon? And does the sexual preference of a fictional character make any difference in the real world?

We discussed these questions and more after listening to a National Public Radio story on the topic.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #86


Blogger St. Bernard Church said...

Well, certainly, Professor Dumbledore isn't the first literary fictional gay character, and he certainly won't be the last. Granted, it comes as a shock to those hardcore fans who'd rather have their beloved Dumbledore be your typical straight wizard/man, but who's to say that, even in Harry Potter's world, there aren't a few wizards running around with rainbow-colored wands?

2:38 PM  

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