Monday, October 15, 2007

Your Life, On Camera

Some years ago when Jennicam was popular, I remember thinking that eventually someone will turn his/her whole life into a reality show on the Internet. I imagined someone walking around with an enormous pile of fruit on her head, sort of like a digital Carmen Miranda, hiding a little camera that took live pictures of everything she encountered.

Well, it's happened, minus the pile of fruit. It's called lifecasting and the Los Angeles Times had an interesting article about it recently. Needless to say, people who put their entire lives online run to a particular personality type.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #82

***TEXTBOOK LEGISLATION SIGNED Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed AB1548 on Friday, one of two bills designed to rein in the high price of college textbooks. This and a competing piece of legislation were the subject of Friday's medianote. The new law, dubbed "The College Textbook Transparency Act," will let professors know, upon request, the wholesale price of a textbook (that is, the price that bookstores pay) and the changes made since the book's previous edition. Here's an article about it from the Daily Nexus of UC Santa Barbara.


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