Monday, October 08, 2007

Age of the Cyber-Busker

A busker is a street entertainer. He, she or they sing, play or mime while setting out a tip jar on the sidewalk. Radiohead, the Grammy-nominated British band, has taken busking into the online world. In an era where music is freely downloaded and recording companies are scorned by artists and music fans alike, Radiohead has used its website to tell fans, "It's up to you." Fans can pay as much or as little as they want for the new album "In Rainbows." Fans can make their payments online. Our discussion revolved around a recent article in the Los Angeles Times.

MWF and TTH 8:30 a.m. classes discussed this medianote

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #79

***MEDIANOTE REVISITED Here's an update to our Oct. 3 medianote. New York Times computer columnist David Pogue has spent some time with the super-cheap laptop computer recently introduced by the One Laptop per Child foundation. He gives it high marks in this recent National Public Radio story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Example of real world buskers - a blog featuring many NYC buskers:

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Eberts,
What do you think of this?

I am attempting to transition from being a full-time musician to being a full-time "cyber-busker." It's my little experiment.

-The Bus King

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Eberts,
What do you think of this?

I am attempting to transition from being a full-time musician to being a full-time "cyber-busker." It's my little experiment.

-The Bus King

8:03 AM  

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