Wednesday, September 12, 2007

And Now, a Message from Our Sponsor...

A Yahoo! News article entitled In-Game Advertising Company Adopts TV Ad Model discussed the increasingly serious efforts taking place to turn online games into an advertising medium. Double Fusion is a company that helps to place ads in online games. At this week's Austin Game Developer's Conference, Double Fusion is introducing a technique for putting ads into games on short notice. This would open up some interesting possibilities for political ads, sporting event ads, and others where the message is crafted at the last minute.

The article holds out the possibility that some classic games may be relaunched as completely advertiser-supported. That would certainly keep more games in circulation for longer periods of time, but how will gamers react to the ads and the companies they tout?

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #71

***NO MEDIANOTE ON FRIDAY Mass Comm 101 students (and this humble blogger) will be field tripping all day on Friday, Sept. 14. Expect a photo or two of the field trip to be posted next week.


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