Wednesday, May 16, 2007

'Local' Coverage

Pasadena Now is an energetic news website that is already providing tough competition for the local daily newspaper, the Pasadena Star-News and the city's alternative weekly, the Pasadena Weekly.

Publisher James Macpherson recently apparently can think outside the box... thousands of miles outside the box, in fact. He is attempting to outsource local reporting. Macpherson has placed an online help wanted ad for journalists to cover the Pasadena City Council ... from India.

According to this brief story on National Public Radio, covering Pasadena from half a world away is possible because the city council is now broadcasting its meetings on the Internet and a reporter can email council members and others for quotes afterward.

Could this possibly work?

MWF classes only

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #46


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's perhaps true that local events can't be effectively covered by individuals that are thousands of miles away. However, one must also consider other major events in the United States such as key presidential speeches, important public events that get national attention, and other miscellaneous things such as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs holding a press conference and revealing their newest products. If a reporter outside the United States has access to web videos of the aforementioned events then he or she can easily create a news article with all the relevant information about the event.

One doesn't have to be very close to the event to be able to adequately report on it. For example, CNN can report on a major disaster in a foreign country by simply looking at the footage and commenting on it with their local reporters in their stations in the United States.

1:29 PM  

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