Monday, March 26, 2007

Why Wi-Fi?

Municipal wireless Internet access has been embraced in Philadelphia and San Francisco, among other places, and now Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaragosa wants to bring it here. A recent commentary in the Calendar section of the Los Angeles Times asks whether free or low-cost citywide Wi-Fi would turn public places into places that the public would really inhabit. Also, the commentary asked whether the mayor's proposal could do much to lessen the "Digital Divide," the gulf between Internet haves and have-nots.

Some interesting discussion on this medianote in the MC101 classes.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #29

***EXTRA ATTENDANCE CREDIT OPPORTUNITY MC101 students can pick up an hour of extra attendance credit by attending the Science Lecture on Tuesday, March 27 during the noon hour. Entitled "Doctors on TV--Making It Right," the lecture will feature Dr. Walter Dishell who was medical advisor or M*A*S*H and other television shows. If you attend, be sure to sign the sign-in sheet.


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