Monday, March 05, 2007

Virtual Revolutionaries, Real Passion

We had a great pair of Downtown field trips last Friday, and our history walk on the way to the afternoon field trip wasn't bad either. Here are some MC101s in the lobby of the historic Bradbury Building.

It's pretty easy to imagine spending a lot of time on Second Life or some other virtual world. It's even easy to imagine people spending real life money on things that might make their virtual lives better. But virtual revolutionaries who detonate digital nukes that blow unsustecting users into motionless limbo because they don't like the way the (real life) technology company is managing the virtual world? Well, yup, it's happening according to a recent Los Angeles Times story.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #21

***PILOTLESS DRONES AND DRONING READERS ... Student newspaper reporters and editors sometimes have to deal with negative feedback over what they write, and sometimes the complaints come from faculty and administrators. But complaints about newspaper stories are a cutting-edge art form on the San Francisco Chronicle, where some readers are quite clear about their dislikes. (This isn't a medianote, but I had to put it in anyway.)


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