Thursday, February 01, 2007

Getting Small on Television

Steve Martin had a stand-up comedy routine in the '70s entitled "Let's Get Small." A riff on the drug humor of the time, Martin described driving his car around totally small but not trying to look small so the cops wouldn't stop him.

OK, that description doesn't do the "small" routine justice. Just take my word for it that everything Steve Martin did during his arrow-through-the-head stand-up comedy years was a hoot. You had to be there.

Well, there are entire television networks today that want to get small. So small, in fact, that they are willing to fit on cellphone screens. Today's medianote discussed Verison's plan to offer eight channels of television to its cellphone subscribers beginning next month.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #14

***LATE, LATE SHOW WAS BIG, BIG FUN We had an excellent turnout (35 MC101s and guests) for our field trip to CBS Television City yesterday. Everyone except a few of the late arrivals got to see the taping of the Late, Late Show. Yours truly managed to (unintentionally) annoy Warmup Comedian Chunky B. (I think I messed up one of his punchlines.) As he was bellowing at me I thought, oh geez, I'm going to get thrown off my own field trip. But the moment passed and all was cool.


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