Friday, February 02, 2007

Viewers, DO Try This at Home...

A common theme in Mass Comm 101 this semester is the deprofessionalization of mass media. YouTube, Wikipedia, even American Idol are of amateurs entertaining and informing us through the mass media. But can they sell us stuff?

We'll see. The class listened to a National Public Radio Story about user-generated television ads. Frito-Lay has a contest urging regular folks to send in their homemade Doritos ads. The best of the lot will be shown on Sunday during the Super Bowl broadcast.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #15

HUNGRY TO LEARN? Pizza will be served at next Tuesday's Suppemental Instruction session (CR136, Feb. 6, 1-2 p.m., Mike Arvizu presiding). It will be the Final Exam study group and, as is widely known, it's darn near impossible for college students to study for finals without pizza.


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