Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Spring has Sprung All Over MC101

Opening Day of the spring semester in Mass Comm 101 looked like LAX the day before Thanksgiving. Everyone was pretty much everywhere. I added more students than was wise or sensible.

Welcome to Mass Comm 101 and its evil stepchild, Club Medianote. Next Monday I will present the first medianote of the semester and the real fun will begin. Meantime, I will post part of an email I just received about the information competency workshops taught through the GCC Library. These workshops are available to MC101 students for extra attendance credit. Here are some relevant quotes from the email...

"Our series of eight workshops will be taught during twelve weeks: Monday, March 5 through Saturday, June 2. As in the Fall, we will offer 11 sessions per week including weekdays, evenings, and Saturdays.

The BIG NEWS is that we’ve launched our new Web-based registration database! Students no longer need to come to the library to register for workshops. They -- and you -- can register online at

Research shows that attendance at these workshops improves students’ grades and retention.

Descriptions of the 8 workshops are available at:

A complete schedule of the workshops for Spring 2007 is available at:


Blogger St. Bernard Church said...

And how long have you been doing SI in AD 217 for? I think it's time to get a bigger room.

3:31 PM  

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