Tuesday, January 16, 2007

How to Dress (or Drive) Like a TV Star

Point. Click. spend $88,000. thanks to Seen On, you can buy a Maserati like the one seen in "Desperate Housewives."

Today's medianote comes from a Los Angeles Times article about seenon.com, a web site where television viewers can buy clothes, furniture and other things big and small that are depicted on popular television shows. As an example, the article says you can go to the SeenOn web site to buy the black wool coat worn by Dr. Burke in "Grey's Anatomy" or the Maserati driven by Gabrielle Solis in "Desperate Housewives."

On media expert said it creates the possibility that TV could become "one giant catalog." The MC101s did an excellent job discussing this possible trend.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #5


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