Thursday, January 18, 2007

This Medianote Is PG (Pretty Good)

A recent National Public Radio story discussed changes in the movie ratings system that dates back to 1968. here are several things to think about in regard to the ratings...

1. They are designed to regulate the audience, rather than the film, although regulating the audience has much the same effect.

2. Movie ratings are not government censorship; the ratings system comes from inside the movie industry.

3. Independent and other smaller film makers believe the rating process is very political and biased toward big names and major studios.

4. The system was designed at a time when new movies were in theaters and old movies were on television; VHS tapes, DVDs, video stores, pay per view, and Internet downloads didn't exist yet.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #6

***We are going to have a double group for our tour of the Broadway Theater District with the Los Angeles Conservancy on Saturday. Let's hope for good weather. This is, after all, a walking tour. Here's what happened on our last Broadway Theater Tour back in July.


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