Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Taking Education to a New Level

Meet your new economics teachers.

Economics has been called "The Dismal Science." Economics classes are sometimes called something like that, only more profane.

Therefore, the answer to some students' prayers has arrived in the form of economics-class-as-video-game. According to this National Public Radio story, students can now earn 3 units for working their way through a game where aliens crash land on Earth and run smack into some harsh economic realities.

Much of the discussion in class was about how much this concept could be adapted to other classes. I know one thing for sure: gym teachers will be a whole lot less scary if they can only assign virtual laps.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #4

***WHOA, PARDNER We had a tremendous turnout at the Autry National Center Yesterday afternoon for our MC101 field trip. My preliminary count was 83 MC101s, plus a half dozen or so guests. Thankfully, the big group was considerate and good-natured and the field trip went off without a hitch.


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