Friday, November 17, 2006

Can an Alternative News Source Be Too Alternative?

Ask an average American about major sources of news from outside the U.S. and the BBC is likely to be the top pick, followed perhaps by Tass or the New China News Agency. But after that, our typical American might mention the TV-based news operation that he or she has heard a lot about but has not tuned in to: Al Jazeera.

That may be about to change. According to this National Public Radio story, Al Jazeera is launching an English-language 24-hour television news channel. Based in Doha, Qatar, Al Jazeera promises to present international news from a Middle East point of view. But winning over a sizable American audience may be difficult. U.S. cable companies don't seem to be jumping at the opportunity to carry a network that some viewers associate with the terrorist organization al-Qaeda.

Gabcast! Club MediaNote #5


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