Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Bon Bon: Technorati

[NOTE: On medianoteless days, I post a Bon Bon, which is a fun media-related thing. Today's Bon Bon, the first of the semester, follows.]

Technorati is a useful and fun search tool, or at least it has become one for me. Technorati is a frequently-updated search engine that looks only at blogs. I was reminded of it a few days ago when I wanted to see if there was any blogger buzz about the "Video Games Live" concert I attended with a large group of MC101s (and their guests) at the Hollywood Bowl. I like the handy bar chart that shows how many times a topic or person has been mentioned in searched blogs over the last couple of months.

Take a look at Technorati and start by searching for your own name. You never know when some blogger may be posting something about you.

One of the goofier stops on the MC101 downtown History Walk is this wedding chapel in the Bridal District. This MC101 student hooked up with an elderly (and apparently delusional) guy.

***I'm back from our field trips to the Los Angeles Times and the Los Angeles Central Library. OK turnout on the first Times tour, great turnout on the second. Our walk through Downtown's historic core was interesting as always, although we weren't able to get into the Biltmore because some sort of big thing was going on there (someone said it was an American Idol taping. The library field trip went well and I'm pretty sure everyone made it home.


Blogger St. Bernard Church said...

Now, now, Mr. Eberts, remember what your parole officer told you about marrying young girls?

2:30 PM  

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