Wednesday, April 12, 2006

This (check) Just In...

We had a very good turnout for the Mass Comm 101 field trip to the Autry National Center on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 11.

An April 5 article in the San Francisco Chronicle has revealed that Bay Area station KRON has sold news coverage to the Australian tourism bureau, spa makers and others. According to the article, anchors and reporters on the station's morning newscast have created stories that are, for all intents and purposes, infomercials. The station's general manager, noting the tough economic conditions KRON faces, defends the practice as necessary to keep the station afloat and to keep layoffs of station personnel at a minimum. He also notes that advertising-driven stories contain a disclaimer in the script or in the credits.

Asks the article, "Is it better to produce advertising-driven 'news' than no news at all?"

Good question.

Said media ethics Professor Amy Colon, "This is fine for any advertiser who wants to get exposure; I don't blame them. But it's a death knell for any news organization that wants to maintain its credibility."

***Once again, my audio post is floating around in cyberspace. When it shows up, I'll include it under this note.


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