Thursday, April 06, 2006

Where Movies and Games Collide (or not)

On Wednesday afternoon at least 84 of us turned out for a taping of “Last Comic Standing” at the Alex Theater in Glendale.

We discussed a recent article in the Los Angeles Times Business Section entitled "Still the Missing Link," which was about the difficulty in translating a hit movie into a top-selling game. According to the article, game makers are becoming increasingly convinced that games should be developed independently of movies, or maybe should be an extension of a classic movie's story line.

***We had quite a turnout (I had our group at 84, and I'm sure I missed some parents/dates/friends of MC101s) yesterday afternoon for our taping of Last Comic Standing. Some of us got drenched in a little cloudburst that happened by around 1:45, but the skies gradually cleared, we got into the theater, and the taping was quite good.
this is an audio post - click to play


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish we could have seen The Showbiz Show! I watched an episode last night and it was hilarious.


9:26 AM  

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