Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Latest Political Powerbrokers: DJs

La Opinion, the leading Spanish language newspaper in Los Angeles, provides next day coverage of a protest march in Downtown Los Angeles that drew an estimated half-million persons. It is believed that Spanish-language DJs were important players in generating the massive turnout.

Today's medianote is based on a March 28 article in the Los Angeles Times entitled "How DJs Put 500,000 Marchers in Motion." Last Saturday, a rally protesting immigration law changes drew an estimated half-million people Downtown for one of the largest protest marches in Los Angeles history. The article outlines the pivotal role of Spanish-language disk jockeys in publicizing the event and turning out the massive crowd.

The article is the latest piece of evidence that entertainers--because of their massive popularity--are sometimes more powerful at highlighting political and social issues than journalists or politicians. For example, there is scholarly research indicating that late-night talk show hosts are becoming major sources of political information and attitudes. This trend is the strongest in viewers under 30.
this is an audio post - click to play

***REPLACEMENT FIELD TRIP NEXT WEDNESDAY: After our field trip that wasn't to a TV show that I don't care to name, some MC101s asked if I could set up another extra-credit field trip to a TV taping. Well, I've got something. Next Wednesday afternoon (April 5) we will go to Glendale's Alex Theatre for a taping of Last Comic Standing. Details will be provided on a field trip flyer that will be handed out in class on Thursday and Friday during the quiz. We're partnering with AGS (the student honor society) on this field trip. Our attendance will generate a check for student scholarships.


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