Thursday, April 02, 2015

Shame on Us

The MW 9:10 and TTh 9:10 and 10:45 classes received this MediaNote.

You made an insensitive remark. It happens. Usually the moment passes, the embarrassment or anger subsides, and life goes on.

But on the Internet, reaction can be disproportionately harsh. Relationships, careers and lives can be ruined through public shaming. Why does this happen, and what does it say about us? NPR reports.


•Generally speaking, why do Tweets and videos go viral?

•Does the Internet make it easy for people to become angry mobs? Why do people allow themselves to be part of an Angry mob?

•Why do random strangers react in such an extreme way to online material they don't like?

•Are women treated more harshly on the Internet than men? How?

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