Monday, March 23, 2015

Harvard for Everyone!

Your Humble Blogger went to Harvard. OK, maybe he doesn't have a degree from Harvard, but he took the campus tour.

Today, you can take the campus tour at Harvard or Yale or many other elite (and not-so-elite) universities through virtual reality headsets. The Los Angeles Times reports.

By the way, the locals pronounce it Hahvahd (the local regional accent tends to pronounce "r" as "h".


•Would you consider a VR tour when thinking about transfer, or do you prefer brochures, campus visits and other traditional recruitment tools?

•Should GCC send low-cost campus VR tours to prospective out-of-state or international students? Why or why not?

•What can't a virtual tour tell you about a prospective transfer campus?

•Will this type of campus tour do more to benefit students from high income families or low-income families? Why?

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